Summer is coming and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. You knew there would come a time when those in your charge would be too old for daycare but still too young for gainful employment. You don’t live in China. Did you forget? All they can do now is sit around and bug you while you try to get something productive done for the next three months.
I’m pretty sure this calls for more pavement
My teeny yard is probably more than I can manage. I’ve suspected this for a long time. My laid back approach to yard work is conspiring with the three garbage cans lined up by the garage, and maybe the red cooler and collection of shoes on the front porch to maintain our reputation as the […]
The worst fashion decision I ever made
Colin’s coach’s comment took me right back to high school. Suddenly I had a point to prove. He didn’t know me. I could be channeling Jackie-freaking-Robinson right there on his davenport and he dare question my ability as an umpire?
Somebody better be thanking me from a podium one day for all this
We’ve plugged our kids into a matrix of daily thought control, where the influencers range from fast food commercials to internet predators. Where the products are obesity, diabetes, “nature deficiency disorder,” and an obstruction of the body’s ability to produce melatonin for a decent night’s sleep.