Colin wouldn’t let me walk him into sixth-grade on Monday, robbing me of the very last time I would get to help anybody unpack a gargantuan backpack on his first day, and then take seven selfies with a scowling child at his new desk. He wouldn’t even let me post the photo on Facebook that […]
Ode to Autumn: A crappy poem from a happy mom
In mere weeks, we’ll be aghast at Halloween decor Displayed in stores come mid September, Roll our eyes at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter schwag. Too early, we’ll say. Every year, out early. But oh, Autumn, the newspaper inserts that heralded: Discounts on scissors, white school glue, colored pencils, 3-holed binder paper, spiral notebooks, both college-ruled, Dried my throat, made my fists clench. […]
Speaking of pot …
So, as I mentioned, last week Jack asked his dad and I for our thoughts about pot. Being the seat-of-our-pants kind of parents we are, it hadn’t occurred to either of us to coordinate what we were going to say when this subject inevitably arose. That was stupid. Both of us at Jack’s age were […]
Judgmental Jerkwads and conversations about pot
Jack asked Mike and I our thoughts on marijuana this weekend, I had two initial responses: (1) I need to tread carefully here, lest one of us ends up sounding as evasive as Bill Clinton, and (2) Ooh, yay! Another blog topic. Mike thinks a blog on talking to our teenager about pot has the […]
This is exactly why we can’t have nice things
Mike says he can’t remember his dreams, but when he does, he’s sometimes running from the law. I imagine he’s not remembering why he’s on the lam because his subconscious is taking the fifth. Ironically, those of us around here most likely to have something weighing on our conscience are also the ones with completely […]
More to add to your running glossary
I was thinking about my blog on running terminology, and realized there are items and events in the sport of running for which there are, as yet, no real words. With a nod to Rich Hall and the stuff we watched before John Stewart, I have generated the following glossary of more running terminology to help runners, and […]
A poster girl for posers
Mike forwarded me an article recently about how hipsters are turning their noses up at their signature beer. It’s apparently become too mainstream. Makes me feel sorry, poor hipsters. What are they going to drink now when they’ve had too much poor-over coffee and their nerves are frazzled, or it’s just time for an aperitif […]
No matter how hard you work, poop happens
People discipline other peoples’ children all the time. I’ve done it. It was called for. When the neighbor kids were climbing on their garage I told them to get down. They were first or second graders, or something, who couldn’t possibly be doing anything productive on top of a garage. When they sassed me in […]
Embracing my inner curmudgeon
You GUYS I’m on the Fun Committee! Hang on. I just wiped out the stores in my enthusiasm department. I need to sit down. I don’t mean to poke too much fun at the Fun Committee. Being assigned to a task that involves pulling people together for no other reason than to enjoy each other’s company […]
ManicMom’s Glossary of Running Terminology
Mike and I have signed up for another half marathon, which is tomorrow. The event sounded like a really good idea back in, I don’t know, April or something, when we forget it’s Death Valley-type hot here in August. Following the event, we’re loading up the car and driving a hundred miles across the high […]