How to talk to your mother

A communication guide for teenagers Jack and I were in the car the other day, rushing to get him to his violin lesson. I love that he still plays violin, and that we’ve gotten way past the screechy stuff to a place where I get to hear some lovely after-dinner music – a therapeutic follow […]

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The Weird, Obscure, or Slightly Silly: Thanksgiving Edition

The second-tier-but-still-deserving-of-recognition stuff. With all due respect to all the health, family, friends, roof-over-our-heads and a great meal before us conversation; here are a few things that don’t get the gratitude they deserve in normal Thanksgiving lists, but still deserve a little shout out: The fact that neither kid has ever had head lice – Knock […]

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Math doesn’t get me at all

Amazon totally missed the mark recently. I took it as a good sign. This week I had one of those I completely suck at everything moments. Shockingly enough, it had to do with social media. Also shockingly enough, I haven’t perfected the art of expressing sarcasm in writing. Just imagine that last sentence was dripping with […]

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Snow morning session

Chip, scrape, chip, chip scrape. Morning. The early winter sky a brilliant blue. Sun reflects shimmery on white, blinding me. Chip, scrape, chip, chip scrape. It was a little thing. And then the next to follow the first. Both little. One cover-up leading, as it will, to another. Chip, scrape, chip, chip scrape.

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