Losing all my marbles first thing

“Could you check our online account?” Mike yells at me from his office. “My computer’s blocking pop-ups and I can’t figure out how to log in since they upgraded their system.” It’s Saturday, 9 am, and I’m just getting my first cup of coffee and looking at a yard filled with leaves and starting to […]

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I so freaking love these people

Two brothers, give or take six hours between school and bedtime, so many things to fight about. Things like: Who gets shotgun on the ride home. Who got it last time. Who had it all last week, for crissake. Who left the empty Cheetos bag in the back seat for someone else to clean up (righteous indignation […]

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Want to see something REALLY scary?

I don’t think I’m ever one to second-guess other parents … until Halloween. On All Hallows Eve, I transform into Judge Judge-y MacJudgerson. I am that mom. The one who cuts her kids off from trick-or-treating about the time they’re elbowing their way into puberty. I’m not following any developmental guidebook, and I haven’t looked […]

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Stegosauri, Scooby, and Snail Mail

On NPR last week there was the usual litany: Syria, Isis, Ebola and various other dismal subjects that prompt the boys and me to start more pleasant topics in the car, like laying odds on which of us would most likely survive a Zombie Apocalypse (do not bet on mom), or what the boys would do with […]

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About that chicken …

When Colin was little he was enthusiastic about chicken drumsticks. “I lo-o-ove this chicken on a bone,” he’d say. I should mention he was around four, I think, and fond of asking where his food came from – did corn grow on trees? What about potatoes? Clearly we are an urban household. One that doesn’t engage […]

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