Mommy Wanabees and Monkey Poop

I don’t get a lot of snarky comments on my blog, and for that I’m grateful. But this showed up the other day: “To be honest, I didn’t see the Mommy relationship in this blog…” Huh. Suddenly I’m in English Lit class circa 1990. The comment was left on a site that compiles a pool of […]

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Why I don’t cook more

When my sister in law, Julie, came by, I don’t think I thanked her for the huge bag of cherries she left on my counter. I was too preoccupied with the fact that a whole bunch of fruit was going to go to waste, while there are kids eating dirt cookies in Africa. Raw cherries […]

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How not to watch the game (Part II)

… I don’t know if it’s all that important, but I was not affiliated with any particular political party at the time my boyfriend and I were saving seats for the Campus Democrats at our Homecoming game (if you missed yesterday’s post, here you go), but still perfectly happy to stave off drunk fraternity guys for […]

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The one that (should have) got away

She balances on a weathered, half submerged snag. The water runs cold and clear over a carpet of undulating crimson – hundreds of the river’s namesake fish. I wonder, she thinks, dipping in one foot, then another. The cold stings, then numbs in seconds. She holds still as the bodies scatter and return to the shade of the snag. She bends, […]

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Techno tourists

Mom recently had to buy the book IPhone for Dummies after she switched out her flip phone for the latest, slimmest, whiz-bang of a contraption this side of Seattle. At the time of purchase, the T-Mobile sales guy was in the middle of settling the kind of domestic dispute that can happen when the Friends-and-Family plan […]

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This is why I need help

Tuesday night we had a dinner party for ten. I borrowed silverware from mom. We have exactly five complete sets that were wedding presents, some mismatched stuff from college, pieces other have people must have left here, and silverware I brought in to wash after last summer’s camping season, and forgot to put back with the […]

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Don’t knock the knockers

When it comes to breasts, there are perky ones, ones that are droopy, lumpy, springy, teensy, full or pointy. The best thing I can say about mine is that they can clear a room. I was thinking about this as I was deciding on an ensemble this morning. This was after spending probably a nanosecond […]

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