He ‘Aint Heavy, He’s My Brother

Beths_phone 244“It’s probably best to leave Jack alone for a little while,” I hear Colin tell his dad in the other room. “He’s in a pretty bad mood. I bugged him just a little bit and he picked me up and threw me.”

Although not encouraged, these kinds of demonstrations of Hulk-like strength are not terribly uncommon around here. Otherwise, the boys generally get along. We’ve talked to them – and will likely continue to do so ad nauseam – about the virtues of managing their actions, particularly when they’re feeling angry or frustrated or humiliated, and want to lash out.

I grew up with girls: a sister, gobs of cousins, a gaggle of girlfriends. I can’t remember everything, but I can safely say no one ever expressed herself by picking someone up and throwing them.

(psst … You guys, go read the rest of this oh so poignant and timely post [just kidding, it’s neither poignant, nor timely, just funny] on Scary Mommy … click below)



I mean, right after you VOTE, go read the rest of this post at Scary Mommy. Thanks!


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  1. Oh dear, something to look forward to! My little hulk-munchkins are just 3 and 1 years old at the moment, but the younger one has already started to pick up toy cars and hurl them at his older brother\’s head when he\’s upset. Fabulous…:-)