Stuff you should know

pancakesYesterday, Mike showed me an article on “54 Things Everyone Should Know.”  On first glance I saw: you should know how to build a fire without matches, and you should know basic first aid. I was immediately stressed because my first aid card is out of date. And I’m not very good at building a fire with matches. Not even with those lighter-fluid soaked briquettes. Maybe if I wrap a stick of dynamite with kerosene-soaked tissue paper and take a blow-torch to it. Maybe.

I also worry because printing out articles like this could mean Mike is either on the brink of a mid-life crisis or worrying about whether we’re teaching the boys anything worthwhile – either one could mean a busy winter coming up.

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I didn’t realize that’s what Mark Twain meant

twainLast weekend I spent a whole Saturday with a bunch of people who wanted to learn more about blogging. It was fun and inspiring if not ground-breakingly informative. Basically it reinforced what I already know but lack the discipline to do: publish shorter stuff.

I can do this one of two ways: I can edit the bejeebers out of something after the fact, or I can just write less in the first place. I prefer the editing option because I think I get better material to work with if I just open up the floodgates of my right brain and let it dump all its contents out and then go back and organize the mess.  Editing while engaged in the act of writing is like trying to pee just a little bit when you really have to go. Neither is particularly satisfying, nor very productive.

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